

2-6 years old

Full Time:        

$1573 a month

Part Time Options:

2 Days a Week (Tuesday/Thursday)

$1210 a month

3 Days a Week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)

$1331 a month

Under 2 years old

Full Time:     

$1750 a month

Part Time Options:

2 Days a Week (Tuesday/Thursday)

$1425 a month

3 Days a Week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)

$1550 a month      

Art Beast Child Development Center accepts Child Action subsidies for qualifying families.

Contact and Hours



Phone: 916-896-6195



Art Beast Child Development Center is open Mon - Fri from 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM

We observe all state holidays.  In addition, we will announce in advance the occasional days we will be closed for professional development, cleaning, uplifting, and refocusing the classrooms and play yard. Typically, Art Beast is closed 10 days a year for uplift and training (in addition to holidays).

The school is closed:

New Year’s Day or Observed Day

Martin Luther King Day

Presidents’ Day(s)

Caesar Chavez Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Veterans' Day

Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving.

December 24-28 (or observed days)

New Year’s Eve (Close at noon)


Join Us



1. Get on our wait list, please complete this form.

2.  Come for a Tour: When an opening becomes available at the school, we will contact families at the top of our wait list for a tour. Parent(s) tour the school and have a conversation with the director. Children may attend the tour though parents may prefer to spare them the adult talk. We apologize for the lack of on-demand tours; however, this policy ensures our school community experiences fewer interruptions and the full attention of their teachers.

3.  Application and Registration Fee: If the center and family agree it's a good fit, families can complete an application.  A nonrefundable application and enrollment fee of $200 is due with the application. This will secure your child's spot. The full month's tuition paid in full will be collected before the first day of school.

Tuition includes meals and snacks to keep spirits high.